Happy Holidays
There is still time to place orders for the holidays. We will probably have to stop taking new orders 12/22 for products we have in stock (12/17 for items we have to order)
As the difficult, challenging, awful year of 2020 comes to an end, Usha and the staff of Vermont Awards and Engraving want to wish all our customers and site visitors Happy Holidays as well as fervent wishes for the New Year.
Usha was not pleased at the lockdown even though it meant long free walks in the forest not far from our house - she missed her customers and co-workers badly. If we came across any other humans on our walks she'd lean against them and then fall into her classic "Chocolate Drop" asking for belly rubs. Being back to work has been nice but she would very much like to see more customers, as would we all!
We will do all we can to continue to offer what I think is some of the best customer service and know is some of the best production through this pandemic and the shaky economy. We'll be here to help you with your events, milestones, the gifts you give and many other things to numerous to list.