Satin or Bright Pewter Tankard

Satin or Bright Pewter Tankard
SKU: 011098
Satin or Bright Pewter Tankard
SKU: 011099

16 oz. pewter tankard is made in England and is available in satin or bright finish. Made in England with the traditional glass bottom is is engraved using a diamond which allows for fine detail and texture. Comes boxed.

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Variant Name
Part No.
Satin Pewter Tankard
Sku: 011098
Dimensions: 4.5" h
Material: Pewter
Engraving: Special ($.95/character)
Bright Pewter Tankard
Sku: 011099
Dimensions: 4.5" h
Material: Pewter
Engraving: Special ($.95/character)